Americans with Disability Act

By: J. David Chapman/May 3, 2018

Randy Chapman graduated with a computer science degree from the University of Central Oklahoma. He was a computer analyst for the city of Tulsa. He was an athlete and musician. He was my brother and my hero. Oh, by the way, he was totally blind from birth.

He left this earth too early, but not before leaving a tremendous legacy. He made life better for those with vision impairment by serving as board president of the Oklahoma League for the Blind (now NewView Oklahoma).

Growing up with a blind brother has given me empathy for those with disabilities; however, as a developer, builder, property manager, and built environment enthusiast, I still get frustrated trying to comply with the Americans with Disability Act requirements. That was the consensus I felt from others in the real estate industry as I attended the Central Oklahoma Commercial Association of Realtors annual bus tour. The goal of our attendees was to make their projects accessible to everyone. In fact, that is why most of us do what we do – to improve the quality of life for people through the built environment.

The event started at Packard’s Event Center and provided licensed Realtors with continuing education about ADA and practical ways architects, engineers, property managers, and developers are complying with the law and making lives better for those with disabilities. Keith Wilkinson kicked the event off with statistics stating that 19 percent of the U.S. population had a disability in 2010 when the current ADA legislation was passed.

There was great information presented about the legislation, but what made the event unique was the bus trip providing a hands-on look at projects that accomplished the required ADA compliance.

One tour session was conducted by architect Brian Fitzsimmons, looking at challenging parking garage projects and creative compliance techniques unique to historic buildings such as the one housing the Hatch restaurant in Automobile Alley.

The tour considered the special athletic accommodations made at the Santa Fe Family Life Center, and urban developer Blair Humphreys talked about provisions at the new Wheeler District development while touring the grounds. We still have a long way to go, but events like this are making a difference in the lives of those with disabilities. Thanks to COCAR and event chairman Willis Washington.

J. David Chapman is an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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