Another beauty bites the dust – the Goodholm Mansion

By: J. David Chapman/October 7, 2021

Last week, I was awarded the Heritage Award for preserving historic sites by the Edmond Historical Society and Museum. Julie and I have spent several years trying to “save little old homes” from the wrecking ball. We have restored and saved homes built between 1895 and 1932 and most are in downtown Edmond and now used in our Airbnb portfolio. It is rewarding to allow travelers visiting Edmond to stay in those old homes and experience a little bit of the history of Edmond.

For years, I have watched the activity and movement of a home known as the Goodholm Mansion. The home was built near downtown Oklahoma City in 1901 for one of the OKC city fathers, Andrew Goodholm. You would likely recognize this Queen Anne Victorian-Style home because it was moved in 1978 to the state fairgrounds, where it remained until 2008. There the home stood for touring next to the B-52 bomber, bicentennial arch, monorail, space needle, and vintage steam locomotive. What I would give to take a stroll around the old OKC fairgrounds touring these old landmarks and walking through this historic home guided by preservation architect Catherine Montgomery, who volunteered at the home for tours during the fair. Oh, the nostalgia!

The Daughters of the American Revolution organized and led a cadre of volunteers and nonprofits in restoring the home once it was moved to the fairgrounds, where it was a landmark at the Oklahoma State Fair until 2008. Remodeling of the fairgrounds caused the home to be acquired by home-mover Richard Harris. Mr. Harris intended to once again restore the home after moving it to a location near 23rd and Westminster. Harris died in 2012, having never restored the home, and it became a liability and security issue for the family. Like so many historic structures, the Goodholm Mansion was recently demolished on Sept. 26, 2021, at the ripe old age of 122 years.

So, the home that was built by Andrew Goodholm in 1901, saved and moved by Jim Fentriss in 1977, saved and moved again by volunteers in 1978, followed by a last failed attempt at restoration by Richard Harris starting in 2008, has now ended with the demolishing of the old jewel. I understand some can’t be saved, but I am grateful for those of you out there trying to preserve the culture and history of our built environment.

J. David Chapman is a professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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