Appreciation for art in development

March 8, 2024/J. David Chapman

The University of Central Oklahoma Real Estate Program has a club that meets every month. At times we bring in guest speakers, alumni, and industry professionals to talk to our students. Other times we go out into the community and tour projects, concepts, buildings and communities. We have toured The First National Building with Gary Brooks, visited The OKC Boathouse District with Mike Knopp, and Carlton Landing with Grant Humphreys, to mention a few.

Today, we had our third meeting of the semester and started out in downtown Edmond just a few blocks off campus at The Chapman House. It was a beautiful afternoon for a lecture on the rooftop, and that is just what we did.

Matthew Myers, developer of The Lark and The Ember in downtown Edmond was first up giving the students a wonderful description of how developers can use public art to accomplish certain goals. In today’s real estate developments, art is no longer an afterthought, but an integral part of the experience, becoming a standout attraction. Developers are able to use art to spark a sense of pride in a property, and help build community.

Randel Shadid, attorney, and former Edmond Mayor was next up, and as the person most instrumental in forming the current structure for Edmond’s private-public partnership for public art, brilliantly described the process. The EVAC was established in 2001. Its mission was to provide a means for selection, display, and maintenance of art for the City of Edmond.

Cinda Covel, Art Liaison for the city, then took the students on a quick tour of public art along Broadway giving a unique perspective on each piece of art whether it was a bronze statue, a mural on the side of a commercial building, or an interactive-art piece.  

Every city needs something they can “hang their hat on” and Edmond’s differentiator is public art. It also has great schools, trees, and friendly people. The quality, and quantity, of public art has gained Edmond national notoriety being featured in several national and regional art magazines and tourist periodicals. Watch for Edmond to take their “art game” to the next level with an entire park dedicated to the display of public art. Take a trip to Edmond, OK to see world-class art!

Dr. J. David Chapman is Professor of Finance & Real Estate at The University of Central Oklahoma (


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