Art is in the eye of the beholder

By: J. David Chapman/February 13, 2020

As a member of the Edmond City Council, I have the honor of sitting on the Edmond Visual Arts Commission. I am learning from these passionate and talented citizens the value of public art in our community. I always knew that there was clear evidence that public art was a positive economic development tool for cities as well as an aid to employee recruitment for local companies, but I now have seen the results firsthand.

Growing up, I learned that art was defined by the classics – Van Gogh, da Vinci, Monet, Dali, and Picasso. Their work would stand the test of time and it could not be re-created – that was the litmus test. This still holds true, and their work serves as the fundamental building block for interpreting and defining art; however, I would propose that the current definition of art is more inclusive today than ever.

Because of the diversity and inclusiveness, the term “art is in the eye of the beholder” is truer today than ever before. The beauty of art is that it’s subjective; it allows an individual to develop their own meaning and connection. It is still true that when the piece of art isn’t rare – when it’s something that can be easily re-created – it loses a sense of authenticity, value, and meaning. I relate most everything to real estate, and when art is described this way, I can relate and compare it to real estate. Location makes a piece of real estate rare and valuable. The architecture gives it authenticity and meaning.

Lately, I have been contemplating the built environment as art. In Edmond, the EVAC has primarily been responsible for choosing, approving, and financing public art to include statues and murals. Because of the manner of attachment, this art becomes a part of the built environment. The statues are mounted on concrete bases in the public right of way and murals are being painted on the sides of buildings and bridges all over town. What about designing buildings and homes as art?

It might be time we think differently about the places where we sleep and work. My home was designed as shelter for our family; however, we have always considered it art. How about your home or office? Is it art?

J. David Chapman is an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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