Broncho House – giving back

By: J. David Chapman/August 6, 2020

I have worked with Jay Evans for more than 20 years. Jay’s first entry into real estate was buying distressed property, repairing and improving it, and reselling it for a profit. Yes, long before HGTV, Jay was flipping homes. He was successful; however, he saw the writing on the wall that the window of opportunity was closing fast as more and more people showed up at sheriff sales to purchase the properties. With what he learned flipping homes and a little mentoring from his twin brother Jack, Jay started a homebuilding company called Two Structures Homes.

Jay is a proud University of Central Oklahoma alumni and has become a faithful and dedicated donor to the UCO Real Estate Program. After he and wife, Tricia, funded several UCO real estate student scholarships, Jay called me to inform me he wanted to take his giving and our program to the next level. His idea was to buy a lot, build a home, include UCO Real Estate Program students as paid interns to help with construction, sell the home, and give the proceeds to the program for scholarships.

Last semester, Jay’s company, Two Structures Homes, started the project by purchasing an infill lot located at 1444 NE 10th St. in Oklahoma City. They branded the project “The Broncho House” and hired an intern from the UCO Real Estate Program to help kickoff the initiative. Now, a few months later, the home is coming out of the ground with a completion date in October. Evans said, “The Broncho House project is a way to bring awareness to the students at UCO of career opportunities in the real estate field.”

Each week, Two Structures posts on its Facebook page to seek public opinion on features of the home, including paint colors, fixtures, and doors. The public votes on three options, with the winning option being used in the design of the house.

This is a great example of local industry partnering with higher education to benefit the state of Oklahoma. The Two Structures’ Broncho House project will affect Oklahoma as a whole because UCO’s program is the only one of its kind in the state and will affect future real estate professionals working right here in Oklahoma.

Thanks to Jay, Tricia, and the whole Two Structures Homes staff.

J. David Chapman is an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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