Give thanks

By: J. David Chapman/November 18, 2021

We are getting ready to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. I have three colleagues arriving here from the U.K. for several weeks of research and writing. I am particularly thankful they are able to travel here to resume our work and host them for this important American holiday.

For Americans, Thanksgiving has grown to be known as the start of our Christmas or holiday season. But the national holiday itself is marked by religious observances and a traditional meal, typically including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621 and is held in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday in November.

For many, it is a time of reflection to remember and give thanks for the many blessings we have been given. For me, I tend to categorize these blessings into Faith, Friends and Family, Health, and Work.

First, no matter what your faith, I feel it is important to be thankful for the opportunity to worship and live out that faith in peace. For me, that is my belief in Christ, and I am thankful for the hope that belief provides, and my ability to worship and fellowship. Many have altered and modified the way they worship during the pandemic, and I am thankful to see a return of this important part of American life.

Second, for friends and family. This means different things to different people. For some, it is their immediate household of parents, kids and grandkids. For others, it is the extended family including cousins, nephews and nieces. For some, family stretches into other relationships to include close friends. Most in today’s mobile world have blurred that line of family and friends. I am particularly thankful for these relationships.

Third, health and health care. Going through a pandemic has given us a new perspective on how fortunate we are for good health and made us recognize and be thankful for those dedicated to our pursuit of good health.

Fourth, I am thankful for my profession in real estate. This has been a particularly challenging year for most professionally, and is being termed a time of “Great Resignation” as people look for work that will give them value and satisfaction.

Finally, I am thankful for the opportunity to pen this column every week and for you, my faithful reader. Happy Thanksgiving, and in all things give thanks!

J. David Chapman is professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


Heroes on Thanksgiving


Transportation or mobility