Property management during reopening

By: J. David Chapman/May 21, 2020

This is a strange time for nearly all occupations, and property managers are feeling the disruptions as well.

As Oklahomans venture back into their workplaces, stores, restaurants, gyms, bars, museums and other venues, they expect their employers and business owners to do everything possible to provide a safe environment. Many employers and business owners are looking to property managers to provide this safety. Property managers are coming up to speed very quickly on the proper measures to take to ensure this safe return.

The first thing people are noticing is signage announcing and promoting precautions we are designating. Physical distancing, from the parking lot to the breakroom, will likely cause disruption in work schedules and processes while attempting to stay 6 feet apart. Expect decals dictating where to walk and where to stand.

Hand-sanitizing stations should be set up in high-traffic areas. Expect fabric furniture to be covered with plastic to enable proper cleaning and sanitization.

As you would expect, surfaces are disinfected often, and buildings are being cleaned more often and more thorough. A recent survey conducted by Appfolio found that property managers are also rethinking their showing process, with 13% not showing at all and 77% changing the way they handle the showings. Of the 77%, 27% have moved to virtual or self-showings, leveraging new technologies in the real estate sector.

As far as maintenance, some firms are suspending all nonessential repairs for now in occupied units. If there is an emergency repair that must be fixed in a timely manner, the technician should follow CDC safety guidelines including wearing gloves, masks, and keeping 6 feet from other individuals. They might also ask tenants to remain in a separate room during the repair. The good news for vacant property is this might be the best time of all to accomplish remodel and repair. Property managers may also be asked to aid with complying/setup of social-distancing procedures, such as altering customer seating for restaurants or signage/procedures emphasizing takeout and delivery services.

Coventry University and the University of Central Oklahoma have been partnering with companies providing research and education with the end-goal of building resilience to natural disasters, terrorism, and now pandemics. We are working with property management companies, building owners, and landlords to implement best practices.

J. David Chapman is an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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