The aging population

By: J. David Chapman/April 8, 2021

The U.S. population is embracing older age. It’s a good thing because it is happening in greater regularity. In 1900, only 4% of the American population was over 65 years of age. By 2010, the number was 13% and it is predicted to rise above 20% by 2050. This presents a few challenges for society, but mostly huge opportunities for communities. I recently learned that 60% of the households in Edmond, a small suburban city outside Oklahoma City known for great schools and good urban fabric, have no children in the home. They are not alone – many communities that were built around child-rearing now have fewer children in them.

We are actively looking for ways this post-child population can thrive and continue leadership in our communities. Older adults interact with the built environment in ways that reflect changing lifestyles and changing capabilities. After retirement, people have more time to enjoy parks, recreational activities, and other community amenities. At the same time, conditions such as chronic diseases and limited vision may limit mobility and create special needs. For example, an older adult who is no longer able to drive but lives in an area with buses, transit, and other transportation options has the ability to stay mobile well beyond the capacity of many in suburban communities.

Affordable, accessible, and suitable housing options can allow older adults to age-in-place and remain in their community for their entire life. Housing that is convenient to community destinations can provide opportunities for physical activity and social interaction. Communities with a safe and secure pedestrian environment, and near destinations such as libraries, stores, and places of worship, allow older adults to remain independent, active and engaged. Combined transportation and land-use planning that offers convenient, accessible alternatives to driving can help the older adults reach this goal of an active, healthy lifestyle. We are getting more and more calls every day from active seniors wanting to transition from their big home on large lots looking for a community-focused development near amenities. The very nature of this requirement demands density. While the demand for smart density is at an all-time high, there is still a great deal of misunderstanding regarding these developments in our communities and plenty of citizens trying to stop these developments.

J. David Chapman is an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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