The built environment’s response to COVID-19

By: J. David Chapman/January 14, 2021

A community’s built environment can play an important role in enhancing recovery and its response to disasters. We are seeing owners, landlords, and governments effectively use buildings, parking lots, and other improvements to help in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

I had the opportunity to be tested in two local Edmond IMMY drive-thru testing facilities. The first was set up on University of Central Oklahoma property through a joint partnership between the City-County Health Department, UCO and IMMY Labs. The second was on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University – likewise a partnership with the City-County Health Department and IMMY Labs. Both of these operations performed with “Chick-Fil-A” efficiency with very little wait time, and knowledgeable and friendly staff. At a time when universities were on break, what a wonderful use of their expansive parking infrastructure.

In urban planning, we are often critical of an overabundance of parking capacity. I still will be, but must admit I have been thankful watching the lines of cars having places to queue while waiting for drive-thru COVID testing. Churches, universities and shopping malls, all with an overabundance of parking, have played a critical role in testing.

With Phase 1 and 2 of vaccine distribution underway in Oklahoma, the OKC-County Health Department is gearing up for vaccine rollout to the general public. Again, we will see the built environment play a significant role. Plans are underway for the construction of a drive-thru facility for testing and vaccinations with hopes it will be completed by Phase 4 of the state’s distribution plan – which will be the general public. Phil Maytubby, chief operating officer at the Oklahoma City-County Health Department, explained that it would be located next to the Health Department’s offices on NE 63rd Street and will cost roughly $7 million, financed by municipal bonds. Dependent on staffing and supplies, the facility is expected to serve between 2,000 to 4,000 people a day and has the ability to operate 24-7.

Upon completion, the facility will immediately be utilized for COVID-19 testing and vaccinations, but will also remain an asset for future crises should they arise. Obviously, it will take time for the entitlements, permitting, construction and staffing of the new facility. For now, existing landlords and owners will have to continue to fill the gap to help end this pandemic.

J. David Chapman is an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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