The suburban rebirth

By: J. David Chapman/October 10, 2019

Mark Twain once said, “The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” The same could be said of the suburbs in America. First-ring suburbs are defined as the older, more populous communities of a metropolitan area with significant histories that share a common border with the principal city of the metropolitan area. Frequently, they developed along railroad or streetcar lines radiating from the principal city.

Across the U.S., principal city cores are enjoying a renaissance and increase in population; these suburbs are confronting some new realities, challenges, and opportunities. While addressing this new, sometimes uncomfortable, paradigm, suburban communities that adapt are also creating new possibilities and growth.

These suburbs have a distinct set of market and demographic conditions and fiscal, governance, and infrastructure challenges that set them apart both from the central cities they surround and the newer suburbs or exurbs that surround them. Unfortunately, current state and federal policies do not always recognize or respond to the needs of these unique places.

Because of their size, these communities are usually very responsive to citizen needs, neighborhood demands, and local issues. However, many first suburbs in the Midwest are beginning to experience challenges associated with the age of their neighborhoods, infrastructure and housing, and the needs of a changing population. They are highly fragmented, which creates competition among them and may hinder their ability to grapple with regional challenges. These concerns, coupled with inadequate fiscal capacity, if not dealt with appropriately can limit first suburbs’ ability to remain, or become, communities of choice for residents and businesses.

There are encouraging indications that leaders in these suburbs not only understand the challenges, but also are embracing the opportunities. They are investing back into their downtown and historic areas by providing families with a walkable, safe community to live, work and play. They are investing in new public water systems, becoming less reliant upon the principal city they surround or on individual private water well systems. They are upgrading sewer capacity to accommodate growth with city-provided sewer treatment instead of private treatment systems that can endanger our water systems. Implementation of smart meters and power provided by alternative energy sources are also becoming the norm in creating a more sustainable future in these communities. Now, let’s take it to the next level and get serious on planning and developing regional transportation systems in metropolitan areas.

J. David Chapman is an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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