The value of code enforcement

By: J. David Chapman/July 15, 2021

I want to address something that gets very little attention, until you have a problem – code enforcement. As an Edmond city councilman, I get phone calls about barking dogs, tall grass, trash cans constantly residing on the curb, and disabled vehicles parked in streets more than any other type of call. These citizens are upset because some else’s negligence is having an adverse effect on their property value, safety, or quality of life. It is the city’s responsibility to see that rules, laws, and code ordinances are observed and followed.

Perhaps the most visible role of code enforcement is the “Battle of the Blight.” How effectively code enforcement inspectors perform their jobs can have a major impact on the property values and image of the community. They support and enhance quality of life, while working to keep aging buildings, homes, and properties from becoming “eyesores.” Every community faces the challenge of vacant buildings, trash, tall grass and weeds, graffiti, and inoperable vehicles.

Sensible and assertive approaches to bringing property owners into compliance with the law can be an important part of maintaining community image and safety. Savvy neighborhood groups rely on code enforcement for bringing properties up to a minimum community standard.

At a time when law enforcement officers in the U.S. have been scrutinized, the role and effectiveness of code enforcement is also being evaluated. What role does punishment play when property owners’ behavior and attitudes are deplorable? It is not unusual for property owners to feel the inspectors charged with code enforcement are too aggressive in either their attitudes and their actions, and, potentially an invasion of privacy.

Once code enforcement is made aware of a possible violation (usually by a neighbor or a neighborhood association), a written notice is sent to the owner with a specified amount of time to correct the violation. If reinspection shows that the violation still exists, in the opinion of code enforcement, the property owner is sent a summons to a municipal or county court. The judge has punishment options at his or her disposal, generally emphasizing fines and repeated court appearances until the violation is corrected.

I would be curious to know what role you feel punishment should play in code enforcement. How assertive should a city be, and to what length should they go to abate a violation?

J. David Chapman is a professor of finance and real estate at the University of Central Oklahoma (


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