Real Estate

Oklahoma City Skyline


The sharing economy – a ride for Mom
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

The sharing economy – a ride for Mom

February 21, 2019. Every national real estate conference today includes sessions entitled the new sharing economy or a discussion of gigs – farming out your couch, your house or your car for extra cash. All of which impacts the metrics of value creation, including in real estate. Enter into this arena the Oklahoma startup SendaRide.

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TIF justice – a city/county solution
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

TIF justice – a city/county solution

February 7, 2019. Viewing the current Oklahoma County jail and juvenile justice center sites as well-located but woefully underdeveloped real estate, city and county officials should explore tax increment financing as part of a funding package that voters can support.

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Opportunity falling in our lap
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Opportunity falling in our lap

January 24, 2019. Here’s to hoping that we in Oklahoma’s business and development community can find users and projects that execute sooner, not later, in order to fully realize the benefits of opportunity zones in our state and its cities.

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The Paseo – it takes a village, indeed
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

The Paseo – it takes a village, indeed

January 10, 2019. Recently, I drove through the Paseo District and marveled at what it had become; with the area once a bastion of boarded and derelict buildings, its 20-year renaissance is nearly complete.

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The Paseo District – then and now
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

The Paseo District – then and now

January 3, 2019. New Year’s causes us to look both back and to the future, and no starker contrast comes from Oklahoma City’s Paseo District.

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Tribute to John Weeman and his Skirvin legacy
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Tribute to John Weeman and his Skirvin legacy

December 20, 2019. This holiday season, I will no doubt think of the wide smile that John R. Weeman Jr. couldn’t suppress when speaking about his work in Oklahoma City on the Skirvin Hilton Hotel.

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From humble beginnings</a>
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

From humble beginnings

December 13, 2019. Son, father, husband, student, attorney and broker. All titles that Andrew Hwang is comfortable answering.

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The value of the appraisal
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

The value of the appraisal

December 6, 2019. A joint proposal was recently floated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency regarding home appraisals. This proposal would make traditional appraisals unnecessary for many new mortgages originated for less than $400,000.

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Home Delivered by Sears
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Home Delivered by Sears

December, 2018. Before there was Amazon and the Internet, there was Sears & Roebuck and the Catalog.

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Privately owned public spaces
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Privately owned public spaces

November 29, 2018. My colleagues from Coventry University, in the United Kingdom, and I are researching what are called privately owned public spaces, or POPS.

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Baby boomer mismatch
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Baby boomer mismatch

November 15, 2018. Many institutional real estate investors rationally thought that the baby boomers would require more care as they aged, so they built and invested in senior-care facilities. Seems that developers believed that if they built the facilities, the aging baby boomers would come. There are a couple of problems with our predictions.

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Does size really matter?
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Does size really matter?

November 8, 2018. I think that the reduction in average square footage in the last several years, although small, is a good sign that homebuilders are listening.

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Rebuilding the beach
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Rebuilding the beach

November 1, 2018. In a state that has seen the development of condominiums as a replacement for small 1950s beach homes, Mexico Beach was probably the best example of what locals call “old Florida.”

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Downtown Edmond Updates
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Downtown Edmond Updates

November 2018. I get asked a lot of questions about how projects are progressing in and around downtown. Here’s an update on some of the most frequently asked questions:

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Opportunity Zones
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Opportunity Zones

October 25, 2018. The federal Opportunity Zones program is part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed by President Trump last December.

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