Real Estate

Oklahoma City Skyline


Embrace necessity-based CRE
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Embrace necessity-based CRE

July 20, 2023. Necessity-based commercial real estate is defined as properties focused on providing goods and services essential to everyday living.

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Appreciate those alleys
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Appreciate those alleys

July 6, 2023. The American alley is a key component in the revitalization of urban communities and building urban fabric.

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Independence – how sweet it is
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Independence – how sweet it is

June 29, 2023. I am thankful for those who sacrificed for our independence and freedom. It made me reflect on how fortunate we are in the real estate industry to practice our trade with little regulation and much independence as independent contractors.

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The demise of the broker? Not so fast!
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

The demise of the broker? Not so fast!

June 22, 2023. Those predicting the demise of the current model are undervaluing the fundamental strengths that brokers have to stave off existential threats and in finding new opportunities ahead.

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The Battlefield
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

The Battlefield

May 11, 2023. The new amenity at Shangri-La Resort is being called one of the most unique golf courses in America.

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Safeguarding public interests in real estate
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Safeguarding public interests in real estate

May 4, 2023. The mission of the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission is to safeguard the public interest with respect to the real estate industry in Oklahoma and to provide quality resources to real estate professionals.

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My time to serve
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

My time to serve

April 27, 2023. It is my last time to take a seat at this dais as the City of Edmond Ward 1 councilmember.

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Buy, hold and manage
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Buy, hold and manage

April 20, 2023. The buy-and-hold strategy requires a long-term investment mindset and a willingness to tolerate fluctuations in the real estate market.

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ULI panel visit – Edmond
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

ULI panel visit – Edmond

April 13, 2023. The city of Edmond recently contracted with the Urban Land Institute to conduct a survey of the downtown corridor and advise local leadership of future land use options.

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RMA 2023 luncheon
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

RMA 2023 luncheon

March 30, 2023. I was honored to speak at the Risk Management Association’s “Know Your City” luncheon recently.

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Living on a cruise ship
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Living on a cruise ship

March 16, 2023. Living on a cruise ship may sound like an extravagant and luxurious lifestyle, but for some individuals, it is a practical and cost-effective way of living.

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