Commercial real estate Realtors create new group

By: Molly M. Fleming//The Journal Record//January 25, 2016

Traffic passes by office buildings in downtown Oklahoma City. (Photo by Brent Fuchs)

The Central Oklahoma Commercial Association of Realtors will offer commercial brokers interested in being Realtors a place to gather, said Bart Binning, one of the group’s founders. The COCAR group had been in planning for about six months before the National Association of Realtors approved it in November, he said.

Binning said COCAR will work on city and county issues, as well as offer education and networking opportunities, such as the inaugural commercial real estate summit being held Thursday at the University of Central Oklahoma’s Nigh Center.

UCO professor and Realtor J. David Chapman said COCAR will benefit commercial real estate brokers because it will offer CRE educational opportunities. He said some commercial brokers likely didn’t find value in becoming a Realtor and joining the Oklahoma Association of Realtors because OAR focuses heavily on residential realty.

People involved with commercial real estate who have earned a Certified Commercial Investment Member designation could attend National Association of Realtor events, but the CCIM designation isn’t easy to attain, Chapman said. In Oklahoma, CCIM is based in Tulsa. The new COCAR will give commercial brokers another reason to become a Realtor and join NAR, he said.

Thursday’s summit is open to everyone in the commercial real estate industry, from architects to zoning attorneys. The summit will include classes where Realtors can earn continuing education credit. Registration is available at the door. The event starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m., shortly before the Edmond Economic Development Authority hosts its 4o’clock 4cast event. Grant Humphreys will give the keynote address on crafting an intrinsically sustainable place.

Chapman, who teaches commercial real estate classes at UCO, will have some of his students attending the summit. He said the event’s ultimate goal is to raise funds for the real estate students, but he expects this year’s profits will be used as seed money for next year’s event.

Commercial real estate Realtors create new group | The Journal Record


VIDEO: 2016 Commercial Real Estate Summit


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