Real Estate

Oklahoma City Skyline


Food desert ordinance
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Food desert ordinance

December 12, 2019. I have noticed we have invented terms and phrases to describe situations in the built environment and society in general. The latest is the phrase “food desert.” Simply put, a food desert is an area that has limited access to affordable and nutritious food.

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Small business contribution
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Small business contribution

December5, 2019. We recently celebrated two of my favorite days. The first is a national holiday giving us an opportunity to give thanks – fittingly named Thanksgiving. My second favorite day is always celebrated on the Saturday after Thanksgiving – Small Business Day.

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Adding value in real estate
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Adding value in real estate

November 21, 2019. Location is as important as ever when determining the basic value of real estate. Regardless of a property’s location, there are always ways to enhance the value of that real estate.

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Real estate bus tour
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Real estate bus tour

November 14, 2019.The Oklahoma City Metro Association of Realtors recently held a Commercial Bus Tour and sold out the entire touring coach.

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Risk and real estate
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Risk and real estate

November 7, 2019. Many investors are growing weary of low returns in conventional investment funds and turning to real estate, but contemplating in which class of real estate to invest.

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Britton District – Owl Court
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Britton District – Owl Court

October 31, 2019. The movement to revitalize older, more urban areas is powerful and changing stubborn opinions about what is desirable and what is not.

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Whose rights are those property rights?
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Whose rights are those property rights?

October 24, 2019. The National Association of Realtors is one of the largest lobbying organizations in the U.S. One of its most important platforms is preserving citizens’ property rights. On the surface, this is something, it seems, everyone would support. It is not that simple. In fact, it is very complex.

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The suburban rebirth
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

The suburban rebirth

October 10, 2019. Mark Twain once said, “The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” The same could be said of the suburbs in America.

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2019 PIVOT Awards
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

2019 PIVOT Awards

October 3, 2019. The PIVOT Awards are presented to real estate professionals who have made the most pivotal advances in our industry.

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State of the economy
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

State of the economy

September 26, 2019. I don’t believe an inverted yield curve is a foolproof predictor of a recession.

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Commercial Real Estate Summit social
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Commercial Real Estate Summit social

September 19, 2019. While I am proud of our progress in our community, I spend very little time talking about what it takes to sustain an educated real estate workforce in our state in order to maintain and continue this progress.

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Start small
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Start small

September 12, 2019. The most common question I receive is, “How do I get started investing in real estate?”

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Commute time
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Commute time

September 5, 2019. How long are you willing to commute to work from your home every day? This is something that we study because it affects the price of real estate and where we build homes and commercial buildings.

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Back to school
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Back to school

August 22, 2019. I started yet another school year teaching real estate to intelligent, young college students eager to learn the ins and outs of real estate.

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Real estate reality
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Real estate reality

August 15, 2019. I wrote several weeks ago about coffee shops and the impact they can have on the culture of a community. I also wrote last week about the concept of highest and best use. The real estate reality expressed in those two articles hit home this week as several of my favorite “third places” shut their doors in my hometown of Edmo[...]

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Highest and best use
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Highest and best use

August 8, 2019. I spend a fair amount of time discussing the highest and best use of property with potential investors and property owners. The concept of highest and best use is one of the fundamental principles of real estate value.

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How smart is your meter?
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

How smart is your meter?

August 1, 2019. How smart is your electric meter? Over half of the electricity customers in the U.S. now have smart meters. And guess what? Oklahoma is a leader in installations of the technology, with over 80% of Oklahoma electric customers now using them.

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Smart growth
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

Smart growth

July 25, 2019. I was invited to attend a National Association of Realtors presentation titled “Smart Growth for the 21st Century” and hosted by the Edmond Board of Realtors. Nate Johnson, Real Estate Solutions Group in St. Louis, did a fantastic job delivering his Principles of Smart Growth.

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